Mark N. Aaronson

Journal Articles

  • Judgment-Based Lawyering: Working in Coalition, 27 J. Affordable Housing 549 (2019). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Representing the Poor: Legal Advocacy and Welfare Reform During Reagan’s Gubernatorial Years, 64 Hastings L.J. 933 (2013) (book-length work published as Special Issue). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Teaching Problem-Solving Lawyering: An Exchange of Ideas, 11 Clinical L. Rev. 485 (2005) (with Stefan H. Krieger). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Thinking Like a Fox: Four Overlapping Domains of Good Lawyering, 9 Clinical L. Rev. 1 (2002). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • We Ask You to Consider: Learning About Practical Judgment in Lawyering, 4 Clinical L. Rev. 247 (1998). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Scapegoating the Poor: Welfare Reform All over Again and the Undermining of Democratic Citizenship, 7 Hastings Women's L.J. 213 (1996). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Be Just to One Another: Preliminary Thoughts on Civility, Moral Character, and Professionalism, 8 St. Thomas L. Rev. 113 (1995). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Placing Pro Bono Publico in the National Legal Services Strategy, 66 A.B.A. J. 851 (1980) (with Charles F. Palmer). FULLTEXT
  • Criminal Justice in Extremis: Administration of Justice During the April 1968 Chicago Disorder, 36 U. Chi. L. Rev. 455 (1969) (researcher and contributor). FULLTEXT
Chapters In Books

  • Judgment-Based Lawyering: Structuring Seminar Time in a Non-Litigation Clinic Transforming the Education of Lawyers: The Theory and Practice of Clinical Pedagogy 81 (Carolina Academic Press 2014). CATALOG
  • Litigation of Federal Statutory Claims under Section 1983, in 1 Civil Rights Litigation and Attorney Fees Annual Handbook 69 (Fredric A. Strom ed., Clark Boardman Co. 1985). CATALOG
Book Reviews

  • Book Review, Cal. Sup. Ct. Hist. Rev. 20 (Spring/Summer 2024) (reviewing Jeffrey Rosen, The Pursuit of happiness: How Classical Writers on Virtue Inspired the Lives of the Founders and Defined America (2024)). URL
  • Ideas Matter, 36 U.S.F. L. Rev. 937 (2002) (reviewing John Denvir, Democracy's Constitution (2001)). SSRN
  • Dark Night of the Soul, 45 Hastings L.J. 1379 (1994) (reviewing Anthony T. Kronman, The Lost Lawyer: Failing Ideals of the Legal Profession (1993)). SSRN
Newspaper & Magazine Articles

  • Empathy Pains, L.A. Daily J., May 26, 2009, at 6. CATALOG
  • Commentary: Yielding Leadership to Dollars, The Recorder, Dec. 10, 1993, at 8. CATALOG
  • From San Jose to the Supreme Court, Cal. Law., Mar., 1991, at 98 (reviewing Melvin I. Urofsky, A Conflict of Rights: The Supreme Court and Affirmative Action (1991)).
  • Environmental Advocacy Commemorated, The Recorder, Nov. 1, 1990, at 7 (reviewing Carr Clifton & Tom Turner, Wild by Law: The Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund and the Places it Has Saved (1990)). CATALOG
  • Commentary: Examining Divided Powers, The Recorder, Feb. 25, 1988, at 4. CATALOG
Dissertations & Theses

  • Legal Advocacy and Welfare Reform: Continuity and Change in Public Relief (1975) (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley) (on file with Gardner Library, University of California, Berkeley).

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