Leo P. Martinez


  • New Appleman Insurance Law Practice Guide (LexisNexis 2012 - 2022) (with Jeffrey E. Thomas, Marc S. Mayerson & Douglas R. Richmond).
  • Cases and Materials on Insurance Law (West Academic 9th ed. 2021) (with Douglas R. Richmond).
  • Cases and Materials on Insurance Law (West Academic 8th ed. 2018) (with Douglas R. Richmond).
  • Cases and Materials on Insurance Law (Thomson/West 7th ed. 2013) (with Douglas R. Richmond).
  • Cases and Materials on Insurance Law (Thomson/West 6th ed. 2010).
  • Cases and Materials on Insurance Law (Thomson/West 5th ed. 2006) (with John W. Whelan).
  • Cases and Materials on General Practice Insurance Law (West Group 4th ed. 2001) (with John W. Whelan).
  • Cases, Materials, and Problems on General Insurance Law (West Pub. Co. 3d ed. 1994) (with Ken H. York & John W. Whelan).
  • Estate Planning for the Owners of Closely Held Corporations (California Continuing Education of the Bar 1984) (with James A. Barringer).
Journal Articles

  • You’ve Got to Speak Out Against the Madness: The Myth of Tax Neutrality, 21 Pitt. Tax Rev. 11 (2023). URL
  • The New EU Rules on Insurance Customer/Policyholder Protection Viewed against the NAIC Model Acts, 20 Global Jurist 20190039 (2020) (with Pierpaolo Marano). URL
  • A Critique of Critical Tax Policy Critiques (Or, You've Got to Speak Out Against the Madness), 28 Berkeley La Raza L.J. 49 (2017). FULLTEXT URL
  • Latinos and the Internal Revenue Code: Tax Policy Primer for the New Administration, 20 Harv. Latinx L. Rev. 101 (2017). FULLTEXT
  • Legal Education in a Modern World: Evolution at Work, 9 Charleston L. Rev. 267 (2015). FULLTEXT
  • Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance and the Duty to Settle, 68 Rutgers U. L. Rev. 155 (2015). FULLTEXT
  • Toward A More Perfect Union?: The Dangers of Conflating Progress and Equality, 45 Sw. L. Rev. 101 (2015). FULLTEXT
  • A Unified Theory of Insurance Risk, 74 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 713 (2014). FULLTEXT
  • Curriculum Developments in American Law Schools in the Twenty–First Century, 3 China-EU L.J. 43 (2014). FULLTEXT
  • Structural Impediments to Tax Reform: The Environment as Case Study, 14 Fla. Tax Rev. 45 (2013). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • The Allocation of Costs in Multi-Insurer Cases Spanning Multiple Years: The Deceptively Simple Problem of Defense Costs, New Appleman on Ins.: Current Critical Issues in Ins. Law 53 (Fall 2012).
  • The Internal Revenue Code and Latino Realities: A Critical Perspective, 22 U. Fla. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 377 (2011) (with Jennifer M. Martinez). FULLTEXT
  • Tax Policy, Rational Acts, and Other Myths, 40 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 297 (2009). FULLTEXT
  • The Uneasy Relationship Between the CISG and U.S. Contract Law, 2009 Nihon Univ. Comp. L. 11 (2009) (invited lecture at Nihon University, Tokyo).
  • Coverage Advice: The Missing Piece of the Cumis Puzzle, 44 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 63 (Fall 2008) (invited presentation). FULLTEXT
  • Insurance, The State, and Aging: An American Perspective, 7 Die Versicherung des Alterns 13 (2008) (invited paper presented at the Kompetenzzentrum Versicherungwisssenschaften, a European Insurance Institute in Goettingen, Germany).
  • Tax Legislation and Democratic Discourse: The Rhetoric of Revenue and Politics, 4 Nev. L.J. 510 (2004) (invited paper presented at University of Nevada, William S. Boyd School of Law). FULLTEXT
  • The Trouble with Taxes: Fairness, Tax Policy, and the Constitution, 31 Hastings Const. L.Q. 413 (2004) (invited paper presented at Tulane University School of Law). FULLTEXT
  • Classic Insurance Law in a Postmodern World, 2 Nev. L.J. 403 (2002) (invited paper). FULLTEXT
  • Toward A Statistical Profile of Latina/os in the Legal Profession, 13 Berkeley La Raza L.J. 59 (2002) (with Miguel A. Méndez). FULLTEXT
  • Dedication to Professor Ray Forrester, 28 Hastings Const. L.Q. at xxix (2001). FULLTEXT
  • The Marriage of Intellectual Property and Insurance Law: An Introduction, 8 Conn. Ins. L.J. 1 (2001) (symposium introduction). FULLTEXT
  • "To Lay and Collect Taxes": The Constitutional Case for Progressive Taxation, 18 Yale L. & Pol'y Rev. 111 (1999). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • The Summons Power and the Limits of Theory: A Reply to Professor Hyman, 71 Tul. L. Rev. 1705 (1997). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Julian Levi Memorial, 48 Hastings L.J. 3 (1996) (speech). FULLTEXT
  • Of Fairness and Might: The Limits of Sovereign Power to Tax After Winstar, 28 Ariz. St. L.J. 1193 (1996). FULLTEXT
  • Babies, Bathwater, and Law Reviews, 47 Stan. L. Rev. 1139 (1995). FULLTEXT
  • In Memoriam: Professor Warren Shattuck, 47 Hastings L.J. 1 (1995). FULLTEXT
  • Of Michelangelo and Roscoe Barrow, 16 Hastings Comm. & Ent. L.J. 426 (1994). FULLTEXT
  • Taxes, Morals, and Legitimacy, 1994 BYU L. Rev. 521 (1994). FULLTEXT
  • The Summons Power and Tax Court Discovery: A Different Perspective, 13 Va. Tax Rev. 731 (1994). FULLTEXT
  • Federal Tax Amnesty: Crime and Punishment Revisited, 10 Va. Tax Rev. 535 (1991). FULLTEXT
  • Tax Collection and Populist Rhetoric: Shifting the Burden of Proof in Tax Cases, 39 Hastings L.J. 239 (1988) (reprinted in Monthly Dig. Tax Articles, Dec. 1988, at 12). FULLTEXT
  • Estate Planning for the Owners of Closely Held Businesses—Valuation Considerations, 6 Est. Plan. & Calif. Prob. Rep. 121 (1985).
Chapters In Books

  • Cyber Risks: Three Basic Structural Issues to Resolve InsurTech: A Legal and Regulatory View 211 (Pierpaolo Marano & Kyriaki Noussia, Springer 2020).
  • Taxation and Latinos, in OXFORD BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN LATINO STUDIES 0 (Ilan Stavans ed., Oxford Univ. Press 2017).
  • The Inscrutability of U.S. Tax Policy and Environmental Tax Reform, in Market Instruments and Sustainable Economy ___ (Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales 2011).
  • Inter Vivos and Testamentary Trusts, in 1 Estate Planning Practice 127 (California Continuing Education of the Bar 1987).
  • Short Term Shifts of Income: Clifford Trusts and Crown Loans, in Planning and Drafting Irrevocable Trusts ___ (California Continuing Education of the Bar 1983).
Book Reviews

  • Toward Tax Reform That Mirrors Our Better Selves, 47 Hastings Const. L.Q. 467 (2020) (reviewing Anthony C. Infanti, Our Selfish Tax Laws (2018)). URL
Newspaper & Magazine Articles

  • KQED and the Mondavi Controversy, S. F. Chron., Dec. 27, 1996, at A23. CATALOG
  • If No One Reads Law Reviews, Why are They So Important?, L.A. Daily J., Dec. 22, 1995, at 6. CATALOG

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