Kevin H. Tierney


Journal Articles

  • Of Peaks and Valleys, Feast and Famine, Boom and Bust, 15 NEXUS 87 (2010). HEIN WL
  • Medical Expense Coverage Under a Landlord's Liability Policy, 9 Cal. Ins. L. & Reg. Rep. 223 (Sept. 1997). WL
  • White v. Fireman's Fund: A Commentary, 7 Cal. Ins. L. & Reg. Rep. 73 (Mar. 1995).
  • Does the Interest Imposed on Credit Card Balances include Late Payment Charges under Federal Law?, 1995-1996 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 312 (1995-1996). HEIN
  • Contracts and Dentistry, 26 Dental Clinics N. Am. 281 (1982).
  • Save the Index, 8(1) Bibliographic News 14 (1982) (reprinted at 26(1) Hastings Community 5 (1981)).
  • Forfeiture of Deposit, 126 New L.J. 180 (1976).
  • 1973 Annual Survey of Michigan Law: Insurance, 20 Wayne L. Rev. 471 (1974). FULLTEXT
  • Contractual Aspects of Malpractice, 19 Wayne L. Rev. 1457 (1973). FULLTEXT
  • 1971 Annual Survey of Michigan Law: Contracts, 18 Wayne L. Rev. 265 (1972). FULLTEXT
  • Imprisoning the Unconvicted, 112 Solic. J. 730 (1968).
  • Notice of Alibi, 118 New L.J. 463 (1968).
  • Reversing the Supreme Court, 118 New L.J. 641 (1968).
  • Transatlantic Attitudes Toward Self-Incrimination, 6 Am. Crim. L.Q. 26 (1968). FULLTEXT
  • Grant of Bail, 117 New L.J. 919 (1967).
  • Obscenity in the U.S.A., 32 Law Guardian 19 (1967).
  • Self-Incrimination—Anglo-American Practice, 117 New L.J. 1249 (1967).
  • Obscenity: An Anglo–American Dilemma, 116 New L.J. 1483 (1966).
Chapters In Books

  • Clarence Darrow, in World Book 1997 Multimedia Encyclopedia ___ (World Book CD–ROM 1997).
  • Scopes Trial, in World Book 1997 Multimedia Encyclopedia ___ (World Book CD–ROM 1997).
  • The Architecture of the University Clubhouse, in The University Club of San Francisco: Centennial History, 1890–1990 app. (Mitchell P. Postal, University Club 1990).
  • Reverse Bad Faith Suits and Counterclaims, in California Insurance Pleadings and Briefs, at i (Jan. 1987).
  • Darrow, Clarence Seward, in "D" World Book Encyclopedia 31 (World Book 1985).
  • Scopes Trial, in "S" World Bank Encyclopedia 177 (World Book 1985).
Book Reviews

  • Book Review, 69 A.B.A. J. 330 (1983) (reviewing John Mortimer, Clinging to the Wreckage (1982)). HEIN
  • Book Review, 32 Hastings L.J. 1071 (1981) (reviewing Richard Danzig, The Capability Problem in Contract Law (1978)). HEIN
  • Book Review, 31 Hastings L.J. 743 (1980) (reviewing Glanville 78, Textbook of Criminal Law (1978)). HEIN
  • Book Review, 66 A.B.A. J. 1398 (1980) (reviewing Warren Sloat, 1929: America Before the Crash (1979)). HEIN
  • Book Review, 66 Law Libr. J. 227 (1973) (reviewing R.M. Jackson, The Machinery of Justice in England (1967)). HEIN
  • Book Review, 19 Wayne L. Rev. 245 (1973) (reviewing Morton Hunt, The Mugging (1972)). HEIN
Newspaper & Magazine Articles

  • Does the Interest Imposed on Credit Card Balances Include Late Payment Charges under Federal Law?, A.B.A. Preview, Apr. 4, 1996, at 312.
  • Chilling Free Speech Secretly, The Recorder, May 10, 1990, at 6. CATALOG
  • The Extradition of James Earl Ray, The New Republic, July 13, 1968, at 9.

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