Frank H. Wu


Journal Articles

  • Who Becomes White in America? Are Chinese Next?, 2020 Chinese Am.: Hist. & Persp. 83 (2020).
  • The New Chinese Diaspora: Embracing the Model Minority and Perpetual Foreigner?, 2018 Chinese Am.: Hist. & Persp. 99 (2018). FULLTEXT
  • The Crisis of American Higher Education, Am. Historian (February 2017). FULLTEXT
  • Are Asian Americans Now White?, 23 Asian Am. 201 (2016). FULLTEXT
  • The End(s) of Legal Education, 66 J. Legal Educ. 18 (2016). FULLTEXT
  • Reforming Law Schools: A Manifesto, 46 U. Tol. L. Rev. 417 (2015). FULLTEXT
  • The Hidden Life of Andrew Taslitz, 58 How. L.J. 569 (2015). FULLTEXT
  • A Congratulatory Note, 25 Hastings Women's L.J. 171 (2014). FULLTEXT
  • Living Up to Our Ideals: What Race Means in Higher Education Now, 48 U.S.F. L. Rev. 327 (2013). FULLTEXT
  • Becoming Asian American: An Interview with Keith Aoki, 45 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1609 (2012). FULLTEXT
  • Forward, 1 AABANY L. Rev. (Special Issue) at iv (2012).
  • Justice through Pragmatism and Process: A Tribute to Judge Denny Chin, 79 Fordham L. Rev. 1497 (2011). FULLTEXT
  • Preface, 38 Hastings Const. L.Q. 499 (2011). FULLTEXT
  • Beyond the Symbolic Black and White: The New Challenges of a Diverse Democracy, 53 How. L.J. 807 (2010). FULLTEXT
  • Burning Shoes and the Spirit World: The Charade of Neutrality, 44 Harv. C.R.–C.L. L. Rev. 313 (2009). FULLTEXT
  • Difficult Decisions During Wartime: A Letter from a Non–Alien in an Internment Camp to a Friend Back Home, 54 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 1301 (2004). FULLTEXT
  • Who Gets In? The Quest for Diversity After Grutter, 52 Buff. L. Rev. 531 (2004) (with Athena D. Mutua, Sheldon Zedeck, Charles E. Daye, Margaret E. Montoya & David L. Chambers). FULLTEXT
  • The Arrival of Asian Americans: An Agenda for Legal Scholarship, 10 Asian L.J. 1 (May 2003). FULLTEXT
  • The Best "Chink" Food: Dog Eating and the Dilemma of Diversity, 2 Gastronomica 38 (2002). URL
  • Where are You Really From? Asian Americans and the Perpetual Foreigner Syndrome, 6 C.R. J. 14 (2002). HEIN URL
  • Profiling Principle: The Prosecution of Wen Ho Lee and the Defense of Asian Americans, 7 Asian Pac. Am. L.J. 52 (2001) (reprinted in Asian American Politics: Law, Participation, and Policy 297 (Don T. Nakanishi & James S. Lai eds., Rowman & Littlefield 2003)). FULLTEXT
  • The Profiling of Threat Versus the Threat of Profiling, 7 Mich. J. Race & L. 135 (2001). FULLTEXT
  • Robert Lee Carter: Continuing the Struggle for Civil Rights, 27 Hum. Rts. 16 (Fall 2000). FULLTEXT
  • A New Thinking about Affirmative Action, 26 Hum. Rts. 19 (Summer 1999). FULLTEXT
  • Beyond the Model Minority Myth: Why Asian Americans Support Affirmative Action, 53 Guild Prac. 35 (Winter 1996) (with Theodore Hsien Wang) (reprinted in The Affirmative Action Debate 191 (George Curry ed. 1996)). FULLTEXT
  • Changing America: Three Arguments About Asian Americans and the Law, 45 Am. U. L. Rev. 811 (1996) (reprinted in 4 Asian L.J. 202 (1997)). FULLTEXT
  • Race Law and Justice: The Rehnquist Court and the American Dilemma, 45 Am. U. L. Rev. 567 (1996) (panel discussion). FULLTEXT
  • The Evolution of Race in the Law: The Supreme Court Moves from Approving Internment of Japanese Americans to Disapproving Affirmative Action for African Americans, 1 Mich. J. Race & L. 165 (1996) (with Reggie Oh) (reprinted in 4 Asian L.J. 198 (1997)). FULLTEXT
  • The Limits of Borders: A Moderate Proposal for Immigration Reform, 7 Stan. L. & Pol'y Rev. 35 (1996). FULLTEXT
  • Neither Black Nor White: Asian Americans and Affirmative Action, 15 B.C. Third World L.J. 225 (1995). FULLTEXT
Chapters In Books

  • From the "Perpetual Foreigner" to the "Model Minority" to the New Transnational Elite: The Residential Segregation of Asian Americans The Fight for Fair Housing: Causes, Consequences, and Future Implications of the 1968 Federal Fair Housing Act 133 (Gregory D. Squires ed., Routledge 2017). AMAZON
  • The Wheel of Justice: The Killing of Vincent Chin and the Death of the Motor City, in Asian America: A Primary Source Reader 286 (Cathy J. Schlund-Vials, K. Scott Wong, and Jason Oliver Chang eds., Yale Univ. Press 2017). AMAZON
  • Foreword to Asian Americans in Michigan: Voices from the Midwest ix (Sook Wilkinson and Victor Jew eds., Wayne State University Press 2015). CATALOG
  • Foreword to Wing Young Huie, Looking for Asian America: An Ethnocentric Tour, at ix (Univ. of Minnesota Press 2007). AMAZON
  • The Multiracial Classification Can Be Detrimental, in Multiracial America: Opposing Viewpoints 37 (Eleanor Stanford ed., Greenhaven Press 2006). AMAZON
  • Foreword to Blacks and Asians: Crossings, Conflict and Commonality, at xi (Hazel M. McFerson ed., Carolina Academic Press 2005). AMAZON
  • Profiling in the Wake of September 11: The Precedent of the Japanese American Internment Civil Liberties vs. National Security: in a Post-9/11 World 147 (M. Katherine B. Darmer, Robert M. Baird, & Stuart E. Rosenbaum eds., Prometheus Books 2004). CATALOG
  • People from China Crossing the River: Asian American Political Empowerment and Foreign Influence, in Asian Americans and Politics: Perspectives, Experiences, Prospects 311 (Gordon Chang ed., Stanford Univ. Press 2002) (with Francey Lim Youngberg). AMAZON
  • Repealing Birthright Citizenship Would Be Unfair, in Illegal Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints 51 (Charles P. Cozic ed., Greenhaven Press 1997). CATALOG
Book Reviews

  • Book Review, 41 Trial 70 (Jan. 2005) (reviewing John S.W. Park, Elusive Citizenship: Immigration, Asian Americans, and the Paradox of Civil Rights (2004)). WL
  • Book Review, 39 Trial 70 (Sept. 2003) (reviewing Kevin R. Johnson ed., Mixed Race: America and the Law (2003)). WL
  • The Arrangements of Race, 101 Mich. L. Rev. 2209 (2003) (reviewing Stephen L. Carter, The Emperor of Ocean Park (2002)). HEIN WL
  • New Paradigms of Civil Rights: A Review Essay, 66 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 698 (1998) (reviewing Peter D. Salins, Assimilation, American Style (1997), Dale Maharidge, The Coming White Minority (1996), & Martha Minow, Not Only for Myself (1997)). HEIN WL
  • From Black to White and Back Again, 3 Asian L.J. 185 (1996) (reviewing Ian Fidencio Haney Lopez, White By Law (1996)). HEIN WL
Newspaper & Magazine Articles

  • Climate Change and Rule of Law, Daily Journal, Jan. 3, 2019.
  • The Perils of Ranking, The Recorder, Apr. 4, 2012. CATALOG
  • Why Vincent Chin Matters, N.Y. Times, June 22, 2012. URL
  • Value of Legal Education, The Recorder, Sept. 7, 2011. CATALOG
  • Brown at 50: Keeping Promises, Black Issues in Higher Education, May 20, 2004, at 49.
  • Profiling in the Wake of September 11: The Precedent of the Japanese American Internment, Crim. Just., Summer, 2002, at 52 (reprinted in Civil Liberties Vs. National Security in a Post–9/11 World 147 (2004)). LX HEIN WL
  • Settlements: Winning Over Your Own Client, Prac. Litig., Jan., 2001, at 5. HEIN
  • Getting Down to Cases, Prac. Litig., July, 2000, at 5. HEIN
  • Goodbye to the Bluebook?, Prac. Litig., Sep., 2000, at 5. HEIN
  • How to Become a Law Professor, Prac. Law., Sept., 2000, at 15. HEIN WL
  • Promises, Promises, Wash. Post, Jan. 23, 2000.
  • Revival Time, Wash. Post, Aug. 6, 2000.
  • Singled Out, Based on Race, Wash. Post, Aug. 30, 2000 (with Theodore Hsien Wang).
  • The Market Is the Measure, Wash. Post, Oct. 10, 1999.
  • Winks and Nods Open Plenty of Doors, ABA J., Feb., 1998, at 96. HEIN
  • The Fallout from Japan-Bashing, Wash. Post, Feb.3, 1992.
  • ...and Others, Wash. Post, Jan. 21, 1991.
  • On with the Show: It's Wrong to Reduce Each of Us to our Respective Race, Wash. Post, Aug. 18, 1990.
Other Publications

  • Beyond Self–Interest: Asian Pacific Americans Toward a Community of Justice (UCLA Asian American Studies Center 1996) (with Gabriel Chin, Sumi Cho, & Jerry Kang) (reprinted in 4 UCLA Asian Pac. AM. L.J. 129 (1996)). URL

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